Self-Care Tip: Stress-Busting Foods


There are many ways to manage and even reduce stress levels when you’re feeling tense. Food can be one of your biggest allies — or enemies. It can make your stress levels go down or up, so it’s critical to pay attention to what you’re eating when you’re feeling frazzled.

Not to mention, just being stressed can increase your need for certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, selenium, and magnesium, noted a .

According to the June 2016 review in the Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, a well-balanced and nutritious diet was likely the single most important ingredient for good health.

So, the next time you’re under pressure, arm yourself with this delicious arsenal of 10 stress-busting pantry staples:

  1. Herbal tea

  2. Dark chocolate

  3. Whole grains

  4. Avocadoes

  5. Fish

  6. Warm milk

  7. Nuts

  8. Citrus fruits and strawberries

  9. Probiotics (yogurt and other cultured foods)

  10. Foods high in fiber

For more about these foods, !