Self-Care Tip: Standing Meditation with a Partner


With a partner:

  • Stand side-by-side and stretch your arms out wide making sure your fingertips don鈥檛 touch your partner鈥檚.

  • If too close, step away from each other so that your fingertips are at least 6 inches apart.

  • Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to your sides, palms facing forward.

  • Breathe in, lengthen your spine, and pull the crown of your head towards the ceiling.

  • Breathe out, soften your shoulders down and away from your ears.

  • Breathe in, stand tall, raise the crown of your head as if pulled by a string.

  • Breathe out, relax your shoulders away from your ears. Repeat for a total of 5 inhales/exhales.

  • Raise your arms again and check that your fingers are at least 6 inches from your partner鈥檚.

Congratulate yourself on taking this moment to relax, and for the practice of healthy 鈥渟ocial distancing.鈥