San Bernardino FACT and CORE Staff Went on a Retreat

San Bernardino FACT and CORE Staff Went on a Retreat

Staff and members from the San Bernardino CORE and San Bernardino FACT programs participated in a day-long retreat at Green Spot Farms. The team had a great time exploring around the farm and playing , a fun team-building card game. They loved getting to know each other better and spending time outside in the fresh air.

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Meet Gavin Tochiki, LCSW, The New Administrator at Los Angeles Step-Down!

Meet Gavin Tochiki, LCSW, The New Administrator at Los Angeles Step-Down!

色中色 is pleased to announce that Gavin Tochiki, LCSW, has been appointed administrator of Los Angeles Step-Down in Bixby Knolls, Long Beach, CA; Enhanced Residential Services (ERS) in Long Beach, Artesia, San Pedro, and Pico Rivera Gardens. This position includes overseeing Traditional Enhanced Residential Services (ERS) with AOT, MIST, and AB109 components of Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) programs.

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